Mendicants of Tribe: Revisiting the Argument for True Federalism in Nigeria


In the manipulated political graphology of this African kleptocracy only a stooge, never capable of independent or thoughtful universality of vision, would seem to be goaded on to preside over the Nigerian state.

Mendicants for Tribe: Revisiting the Argument for True Federalism via Restructuring of the Nigerian Polity

by Chin Ce

MAJORITIES of Nigerian nationals at home and in Diaspora have argued for the reinstitution of true federalism via restructuring of a unitarian federal state imposed by an army of mendicants who purposed to rule for their tribes in the hoary sixties and seventies, following through the eighties, the nineties and the millennium.

The patriots and their rising voices are filled with genuine love of motherland unparalleled in the history of political struggles for freedom in Africa. It is important that these African voices be acknowledged, and supported, as the real Third Force of the socio-political equation as they chronicle the very history of Nigeria’s political existentialism which attended the amalgamation in 1914 of the North and South by colonial British parties who brought divide- and- rule politics to the whole of the African region.

With paper and tabloid independence in 1960, the conquered regions were simply, by disingenuous British design, passed off to an oligarchy in the north that was backward, callous, dirty and ostentatious with politics of numerical manipulation.

Ahmadu Bello, the parochial leader of a backward north had personified the dirt and festering poverty of consciousness which Nigeria was quickly to descend under the  control of a heritage of Islamists with primitive culture of child educational neglect, corporate barbarism and environmental squalor in their entire human wake.

To have given commanding position to a feudalist, which was promptly passed on to a minion in the person of Tafawa Balewa, marked the beginning of the depredation and, hence, the devolution of the Nigerian project.

It became institutionalized upon the political graphology of the conclave called Nigeria that only a stooge, never capable of independent or thoughtful universality of vision, would seem to be goaded on to preside over the Nigerian state.

The Nzeogwu revolution had purported to arrest the drift of the nation from the hands of culpable tribal chiefs called founding fathers of a fledgling and directionless neo colonial state because throughout the northern, western and eastern regions, the visionary promise of the true Nigerian icon known as Herbert Macaulay fazed with the springing of a copious array of tribalists emerging as sages and prophets of post independent Nigeria. Probably the great Zik of Africa excelled in the vision of Macaulay to bring about a truly egalitarian Nigerian and African liberated consciousness. But that was not to be, as tribalism found vent in political treacheries endemic among the primordial instincts that shaped the political administration of the sixties.

The era of military pillage which saw the enrichment of Gowon, Murtala, Obasanjo, Buhari, Babangida, Abacha and Abdulkarim marked the further descent of a nation into a dark age. Nevertheless by 1979 a spell of intellectual retardation, vicious survivalism and official predation was methodically syndicated onto the Nigerian constitution to promote the fortunes of these armoured mendicants for their tribes.

This only served to bequeath the big- for- nothing West African nation-state a fertile coven where religion, being the Christian and Muslim hegemons of satanic brain washing, determined who controlled whatever apparatus that would contrive the seizure of state resources for redistribution by a certain group of the faithful in a mythical El Dorado of oil dependent Nigerian economy.

It is possible to table the imbecility of Nigerian leaderships in the contest of these historical anomalies that have devolved to killing and maiming and state- sanctioned abductions under the current conundrum of the Muhammadu Buhari bandit clan. It was unbeknownst to the best instincts of voters who had clamoured for change away from “Peoples Democratic Party” in 2015 that they  would become co-conspirators to another regime of federal sanctioned thieves of “All Progressives Congress” in every state, local government and legislative organ as decreed into law by their rogue 1999 constitution.

And thus should we continue to expose the vile deceits which did lead Nigerians to their present marginal existence under an intellectual quisling from Nigeria’s core north in the person of Muhammadu Buhari. Muslims, Christians, indigenous religious devotees must unite in order to extirpate this scourge foisted from corporate British adventurism on the soils of native peoples of sub- saharan Africa.

It isn’t just a curious abberation that the 1999 constitution proved a marked departure from the Richard’s, Macpherson’s, and Littleton’s that preceded independence from Britain. Nigeria’s touted 1979 and 1999 documents was a deliberated Conspiracy Theory against the will of the people. It was drafted and imposed by thieves of the armed forces under Obasanjo and Abubakar: both visionless army generals, inspired by such shallow fervor that could only have sprung from miseducated warlocks under their politics of redaction and the art of public dissembling.

The present constitutional fall-out is the cronyism and nepotism now typified in the APC-led regime fiasco of Buhari and his horde of parasites and sycophants in the house. What these politicians purport for a nation- building project is to ensure that the greater majority of people live in fear and pious hallucinations as to their vile intent, while a vampire sect of tribal and religious  defenders of faiths, along with their families, feed off the labours and vast resources of the land. Their methodology is the issuance of cycles of intellectual mendicants at federal and state legislatures in order to allow for the perpetuation of mass hypnosis infesting their religions and spread by their fundamental adherents.

The roll call of so called presidents, state governors, and assembly members, as fostered by the fascist ’79 and’ 99 constitutions attests to their medieval mindsets. Through these noxious documents have personages, namely Shagari of Sokoto, Obasanjo of Ogun, Yar’adua of Katsina, Jonathan of Bayelsa and, now, Buhari of Daura, filed their ghoulish statures unleashing cluelessness, depredation, corruption, and ultimate desecration of destiny of Nigerian men, women and children.

Why Nigeria must be restructured

It remains significant that the political charlatans that ruled for their clans from 1960 through 2018 were historical accidents. Each Nigerian leadership has been a distortion which, rolled with blind following on a trail of mental pestilence, ensured the discombobulation of all positive motions for the freedom of humanity on that part of the planet. Through this long, dark history of Nigeria as an enforced nationhood opposed to a consensual federation, the common pathology of leadership is the draconian resistance to any form of restructuring that promises to unleash the diverse creative potentials of their people for positive educational and scientific transformations.

So let us not tire to rage against present Nigerian unitary constitution which will never impact any positive legacy in peaceful coexistence and collective group actualisation. No matter how the bigots resist the positively intentioned momentum, well- meaning nationals must have to voice the call to reform the polity along true federalism for lasting peace. For the survival of all ethnicities endowed with inalienable divine powers to create, express, control their economic resources, and enforce the social contract of securing life and property.

Since the question of how we upgrade the human resource development of Nigeria to world best practices of coexistence in a clime of equal rights and justice under a structurally balanced federation may be anathema to draconian agencies like Gowon, Obasanjo and Babangida whose era had grossly retarded the nation, to get it right from here onwards demands the laying of all resources of mind and body in service to every act exposing these charlatans whose only mission, whose peer group pressure, is the continuation of the status quo in a long interminable play of sectional and personal advantages.

Why Nigeria must be restructured is for an end to foisted sectarianism being the edifice upon which the “unity” of Nigeria is built; it means rejecting the 1999 constitution for federalism to prevail upon the structures that govern a nation. This remains the panacea to overturn the narrative, culminating in another resounding defeat of the darkness when the government of Muhammadu Buhari becomes the last of the tribal mendicants, ending decisively for the good of Nigerian humanity.


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