‘There is no Armageddon, the world is not ending’

Our free, blessed Earth planet

Contrary to machinations of dark forces, higher awareness, new perspective, new foundation has been set, new peaceful and prosperous way of life is to begin for humanity.

The Future of Humanity and Earth

by Kejraj EraOfLight web

The future of humanity is no longer at stake. It is secured, with abundance, advancements in all fields, with love and unity for all.

Contrary to what you may see on your media, all hell is not breaking lose. There is a change occurring. Humanity and Mother Earth are ready being uplifted into a higher dimensional reality. The door to the fifth dimension is open for all who wish to transcend the old paradigm of the third dimension.

3D Earth vs 5D Earth (c) Era Of Light

What you see now are the remains of the old matrix. The inorganic way of life and all that came with it, are crumbling and dissolving. Artificial constructs of the old third dimensional world cannot withstand the higher light of the Galactic Center. For in the higher frequencies of this light everything is designed, created, and powered by pure divine energy.

There is no Armageddon, there is no judgement day, the world is not ending. What you are seeing now in your world is the illusion collapsing. The false, man made matrix dissolving, which was powered by fear. And the emergence of a new world, a new divine matrix, that is powered by love.

A higher awareness, a new perspective, a new foundation has been set, a new peaceful and prosperous way of life is to begin for humanity.

You must let go of the old outdated beliefs and ideas, in order to understand the magnitude of what is truly unfolding.

Yes, you are already seeing the end of what you call the economic system, when in fact it is paid slavery. You are (also) seeing the end of religion. It’s invention never had good intentions. For it was brought forth by malevolent entities. You are seeing the end of “the science”. For it is false science, that was always backed by people who never had humanity’s interests in mind.

Most importantly, you will come to understand that humanity’s origins begin in the stars, not on Earth. Now is the time to become open to greater truths. One of these greater and exciting truths is that you were never alone in the Universe. For God would not create billions of stars and galaxies, just to leave them all empty, without life. All stars and planets have life. And we do not speak of “bacteria” life types. We speak of sentient life.

You were never alone on Earth. Higher dimensional beings, which in the ancient days were referred to as angels by the different civilizations, have walked the Earth for millions of years. And many still do now. For if it were not for their interventions and protection of Earth, your world would have been extinguished long ago. As you shift into the higher frequencies, these beings of pure light will reveal themselves to humanity, and welcome you all to the Galactic Community.

There are many humans who fear change. Many who wish to hang on to the old ways, because they just cannot grasp the thought or idea of complete peace and freedom. Being open to the universal truth of other civilizations existing on many planets and star systems. You must release the fear of new truths coming forward. For it will not matter if you’re a “pure blood”(unvaccinated), if you continue to cling onto the Satanic infused religious texts and dogmas, and remain in survival mode, filled with fear, you will find yourself on the same path and facing the same experiences as the those who have chosen to receive the nanotech injections. Fear is just as, if not more, lethal and it will keep you in dark states.

For those of you who choose to move forward, to be a part of the new Earth, you are to experience paradise and beyond. You are to experience the life that was originally intended to be experienced here on this planet.

Millions of years ago in the stars existed a place known as The Garden of Edon, or the Garden of Love. This planet you know now as Earth is to be the second Garden of Edon. A place where beings of light from all areas of the Universe will meet, interact, share, and grow together.

Humanity’s awakening has sent reverberations throughout the galaxy and beyond. Your hope, your will, and strong belief in change for the better has surprised many civilizations across the galaxy, many of them were in doubt, and that it was almost impossible for a civilization which has fallen into a bottomless pit of darkness, to return, again, to the light. And now they are cheering you on, their joy has increased tenfold. Many of these light beings are just a few miles above Earth.

You are already noticing more sightings of their star crafts.

Many of these civilizations are your ancestors, your family. In the not too distant future, as they have done in the past, they will land on your beloved planet. Only this time they will not leave you. We will even take the risk of giving a time frame here. This grand reunion will take place within the next four years, or sooner.

You may not perceive them now, these light beings, but most certainly they are closer than they have ever been before. The moving “stars” you see in the sky are in fact your family’s light ships.

They watch over you, with the purest love. Many walk among you. Know that you are safe, your bright and prosperous future is guaranteed.

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