What You can do with the Energy Fluxes from Source Light

Energy fluxes - Disclosure News

Energy Fluxes On High!

by Dr. Schavi M. Ali, Disclosure News

A continual potent flow of cosmic particle energies (“flux”) is entering the magnetosphere of Earth/Gaia from the Sun’s farside and from the side that is facing our planet.

This is causing fast and slow-moving solar winds to converge and create shock waves, particle density, and extreme pressure within and outside of Earth/Gaia’s fields.

This tends to increase weather patterns in whatever season is being experienced in the various parts of the globe—snow storms, rain storms, flooding, etc.

There can also be strong quakes in the upper 5.0 to over 6.0 ranges.

An “Energy Flux” is more than just the regular strong solar flares, winds, and CMEs (coronal mass ejections) which cause the conditions mentioned.

Rather, an “Energy Flux” is when there is a barrage of powerful cosmic particles from both sides of the Sun which constantly pound into our planet in an initial slow pace but then suddenly surge to a quickened speed—a back and forth movement like a waltz suddenly turning into a fox trot and back to a waltz and then turning into a rock ‘n’ roll!

Think of the word “fluctuation” which is when something is up and down and back and forth in a continuous stream.

The human collective senses an “Energy Flux” as heightened physical and emotional experiences such as feeling zaps or sparks of electricity in the fingers or feet (where meridians can be located that connect to parts of the physical vessel), feeling stirred-up in the solar plexus and heart chakras (a sense of anxiety or restlessness), feeling fatigued but unable to sleep (and when sleep does occur, it is only for two or three hours), heat surges (sometimes with mild sweating), headaches, and lack of hunger.

Some persons experience the other usual LAS (“Light Activation Symptoms”), but the ones mentioned seem to be the most prolific during an “Energy Flux”.

Energy Fluxes On High! - Aurora In Scotland February 9 2022

Aurora In Scotland February 9 2022 – Alan C. Tough

Energy Fluxes On High!

As mid-winter in the Northern Hemisphere and mid-summer in the Southern Hemisphere is occurring, the cosmos—via the Great Central Sun— is sending forth elevated “Energy Fluxes” on an almost daily basis.

Becoming balanced and grounded is essential so that we can move through our daily career, family, and community activities without too much discomfort.

Drinking sufficient water is most vital because these types of cosmic waves can cause dehydration.

Also, placing lots of lemon in the water allows our blood to be more alkaline and less acidic.

Even though lemon is a citrus fruit, when it enters the cells, it has an alkaline effect.

We also receive “VItamin C” which strengthens the immune system and also gives us more energy.

Taking two drops under the tongue of “Olive” by Bach Flowers four times each day further helps to alleviate fatigue as does drinking a cup or two of “Nettles Tea” each day.

Nettles is naturally caffeine-free and is an excellent healthy change from coffee which is stimulating only for a few minutes and then tends to cause a person to be more depleted of energy afterwards.

This is why coffee drinkers tend to have several cups in a day’s time.

One cup does not maintain their energy for very long.

Caffeine can also harm the cardio-vascular system, causing hypertension and arrhythmia.

Adding milk or cream to the coffee helps only a small bit to alleviate so much caffeine, but it is best to stop drinking coffee completely.

An overall change in eating habits is advisable as we are continually upgraded and regenerated by cosmic forces which require that we become more aligned with spiritual and natural modalities.

As research continues to be done on cosmic happenings, and as the HIGHER SELF—SOUL—THE DIVINE—delivers revelatory messages to those who are diligently connecting to SOURCE FREQUENCY, we can expect that “Energy Fluxes” will become increasingly heightened in strength and their effect upon the human collective.

Pull down your “Pillar of LIGHT”.

Energy Fluxes On High! - Pillars Of Light

Pillars Of Light

Energy Fluxes On High!

Wear your grounding sacred jewelry and prayer malas.

Anoint yourself with calming and stress-alleviating oils such as Amber, Frankincense, Sandalwood, or Rose.

Meditate daily.

Do not become involved with unnecessary activity that is not conducive to your elevation in consciousness.

Remember that we are being “called” to a HIGHER VIBRATION— a HIGHER “BEING-NESS”—a GREATER LIGHT.