New Universes to come into existence


Duality in the extremes that it has been experienced here on Earth, till now, will not be allowed to occur again anywhere in the galaxy

The Universal reset

by KejRaj (KayRy)

THE Creator, the Cherubim, the Serafim, the Elohim, Archangelic Realms, Angelic Realms, the Galactic Confederation of Light, which includes the Pleiadians, Andromedans, Arcturians, Sirians, Blue Avians, Venusians, our cousins from Agartha (Inner Earth), and billions of other beings from across the galaxy and beyond, are all assisting humanity and each other in these times of great change.

Why? We can give you a million reasons, but we’re going give you just a few, main ones if you will.

Galactic central sun light waves: EraOfLight

In this moment, there is a Universal Reset in process. Creator is breathing IN, and on the OUT BREATH, creation will expand. New thoughts, new ideas, new seeds planted, the beginning of new cycles. A new blue print will be laid out for new Universes to come into existence.

On Earth, what is being not just attempted for the first time in the history of the Universe, but is all ready deemed successful, physical ascension.

This is why this process has been so gradual, but certainly moving forward. This is why we have the attention and the assistance of the Universe now, for we are the first ones to ever do something like this, to ascend with our physical vessels. Please understand that not all who ascend to the fifth dimension will be going through physical ascension.

With this, we are not only lifting up our world, what is occurring here is affecting the entire galaxy and beyond. Yes, we are also lifting up the Universe you could say.

Duality in the extremes that it has been experienced here on Earth, till now, will not be allowed to occur again anywhere in the galaxy.

Now we are moving closer towards the center of the galaxy, our solar system and many other star systems as well. The Sol-ar System is merging with the Pleiades, and Pleiades with Sirius Star System.

The formation of a new Star Collective if we may use this phrase, an area that will shine so bright, and be looked at in awe by the rest of the Universe.

This area of the galaxy will become a learning center for beings from all around the Universe.

Earth will transform, expand, evolve in immense ways as she moves closer and closer to the galactic center.

One day our now precious Mother Earth will not only serve as a central sun for a star system, but she will wear “the crown to the throne” of this soon to be the Golden Rose Galaxy. And then the highest, purest energies will descend upon her, and Earth will be the “personal playground” of Source Energy.

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