Alliance Seizing Trillions Stolen By Deep State


by David Wilcock


The Alliance is fighting to recover stolen funds, restore the devastated economy, end human trafficking, stop the real root cause of most terrorism, disclose the truth of the UFO presence, and release an incredible slate of “forbidden technologies.”

The “big picture” we have assembled from insiders such as Henry Deacon, Bob Dean, Clifford Stone, Pete Peterson, William Tompkins, Corey Goode and Emery Smith suggests that our own Earth humanity is already an interstellar species.

The true scope and depth of our technological advancement, and interaction with extraterrestrial societies, has been deeply hidden from us, even at the highest levels of elected government.

This is not likely to continue for much longer. Q Anon has just gone “all in” with their imminent July prophecy.


The truth is admittedly difficult to adjust to. I have been interviewing and connecting with insiders with “Cosmic” clearance, directly or indirectly, since 1993.

Cosmic clearance is considered to be 35 levels of “Need to Know” above the President of the United States.

The Deep State is not only involved in mega-banks, media and corporations. They are the closed, elite society that has hoarded all of these cosmic advancements for themselves — even from our own elected governments.

Until and unless you have Cosmic clearance, you won’t even begin to understand what is really going on in the inside world. These various programs are highly compartmentalized.

I attended the Disclosure Project event in May, 2001, where 39 top insiders came forward as whistleblowers to reveal the truth of the UFO cover-up. I met the majority of all of these insiders during the course of a four-day trip.

Since that time I have had several others come forward and share intel with me on an exclusive basis.

Now that Emery Smith has come forward, you have the opportunity to hear from another new insider who helped introduce me to this vast world of secrecy over the past decade.


A very elaborate and brutal psy-ops campaign has been in place ever since the Roswell Crash was awkwardly re-written as a “weather balloon” after an initial media juggernaut of truth about a crashed “flying disc.”

Anyone who is about 35 and up, and particularly those who are 50 and up, may still carry the scars of this “psychological operation” in their psyche.

It never ceases to surprise me how many people actually have their own UFO sighting story to share, once they find out I am a public figure who discusses the subject.

Again and again I find people in these older age ranges actually feel depressed about their sighting, rather than invigorated.

So strong was the “laughter curtain” that they often wished they never had the experience, as they did not want to become a “Saucer Freak.”

People 35 and under are almost completely immune from this sense of fear and ridicule, as they have grown up in a world of decentralized, on-demand media.

Similarly, the Pizzagate and Q Anon discussions have gained far more traction and credibility within this younger demographic as well.


So in case you are new to this, the reason why the global economy is so depressed is that money has been stolen from us on a truly outrageous scale.

There is clearly a tremendous amount of money missing. It obviously didn’t just vanish. It all had to go somewhere.

The amounts that have disappeared are vastly greater than any luxuries the “one percent” could possibly afford, such as houses, cars, jets and yachts.

It is literally enough money to build entire civilizations — as the Chinese have been doing with similar amounts.

This is a very important point that I argued mathematically in a previous article. Click here and scroll halfway down the page to “WHAT COULD THEY HAVE BOUGHT?”


Even the “trillions and trillions” that we are hearing may get re-introduced into the economy by the Alliance is only a small figure compared to the total amount of theft that has taken place.

Top insiders reveal that much of our money has been spent on developing a vast amount of high-tech infrastructure in underground and off-world bases, as well as the craft and facilities to make it all possible.

This is the Biggest Lie that seems so incomprehensible.

Even worse is the fact that the group responsible for this vast, super-high-tech secrecy is actively involved in the practice of what most sane individuals would call evil.

This is far more than just a vaguely-outlined belief system. It is a very complex religion with a host of different symbols that we are constantly being bombarded with.


At my last conference I had a woman come up to me and nervously ask me if the “Antichrist” is coming, who it would be, and what we would need to do to oppose him / it.

I explained to her that this prophecy was most likely metaphorical in nature, speaking about a much larger problem than could ever have consolidated into a single Hitler-type individual.

Simply put, the Antichrist prophecy has already come true — in the form of many different individuals who are participating in this horrific agenda in various ways.

The classic Edgar Cayce psychic readings defined the Antichrist prophecies as referring to a “spirit of hate” that affects many people in our world to varying degrees:–the-sleeping-prophet.html

  • “The fruits of the spirit of the Christ [Christ Consciousness] are love, joy, obedience, long-suffering, brotherly love, kindness.
  • Against such, there is no law.
  • The spirit of hate, the anti-Christ, is contention, strife, fault-finding.
  • Those are the anti-Christ, and take possession of groups, masses, and show themselves even in the lives of men.”
  • – Edgar Cayce

Every essential aspect of the Antichrist prophecy has already been in place for quite some time, when seen in terms of this Cayce reading.

The world was thoroughly and completely deceived by a group that controlled all major aspects of our society, and had a secret goal to kill off the vast majority of us — in what they call “depopulation.”

This agenda has been shoved in our face for quite some time — forcing us to have to reconcile the inner conflicts of living in a world run by psychopathic, suicidal “leaders.”


As an example, the Cabal really did intend to have a global nuclear war. They drilled out a truly vast underground infrastructure of over 265 cities to comfortably live out their lives until the surface again became habitable.

Thankfully, beings we would have called “angels” in the Bible, and which are now referred to as positive extraterrestrials, have systematically prevented any and all attempts to create nuclear war from succeeding.

This even included the complete melting down of all nuclear warheads in the US and USSR both some time in 1990. Multiple insiders including Bob Dean and Pete Peterson have confirmed that this event did take place.

Even top NASA astronauts such as Edgar Mitchell went on public record with their belief that ETs were preventing a nuclear war. Here is one of many examples from 2015.

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