Now is time to play the role of Source Energy in the flesh

The Ninth Dimensional Arcturian Council

Here is a very important message from the Ninth Dimensional Arcturian Council to Lightworkers and the Collective of Earth humanity:  Love, Compassion are what is needed now on Earth more than ever before.


The 9D Arcturian Council: The Energies of the Next Two to Three Years

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been taking note of the ways in which humanity has been coming together in more powerful expressions of unity, and we have also been aware of those who are seeking to remain separate. Those on your world who want to keep everything as it is, who are resistant to growth and change, could easily be lumped into a pile, and then you could easily label that pile. You know what types of labels we are referring to here.

We want those of you who are awake to understand that it is your role to have compassion and forgiveness for those who do not deserve it, who do not even want it. Those who want to remain in control, in power, do not feel that they need to grow and change at all. And they are going to have the hardest time during these next few years on your world of mass awakenings and massive changes.

Those who want to keep things as they are, or even to go back to a time when they believe things were better, are going to experience very unpleasant symptoms of purging and releasing of all that no longer serves them, and they are going to need help from those of you who are more than capable of handling the energies that will be coming in in the next two to three years. You will be the first responders. You will be the ones who come to the aid of these individuals that you witnessed spreading hate speech and trying to keep others down. And you will be the ones who come to their aid because you will be the ones acting on behalf of Source.

Source will never judge, never condemn, and never abandon any person, or any being, in all of creation, because Source knows better. Source understands that the person or being in question is a part of Source. And while you might condemn an aspect of yourself that you do not like or approve of, Source would never do that. It is time for you all to play the role of Source Energy in the flesh, and it will always be that time, between now and the time when you complete your shift in consciousness.

Therefore, you had better get ready to spread that forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love around, because now is the time when it is needed, and it is needed on Earth more than ever before.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
The Fractal Dimension of Africa Research Forum


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