The Power of Now: Life principles by Eckhart Tolle


posted by City Cents 

From Eckhart Tolle comes select nuggets of wisdom to help you, wherever you are, in any land and clime, to live life to the fullest. 

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment is a book by Eckhart Tolle. According to Wikipedia editors, the book is intended to be a guide for day-to-day living and stresses the importance of living in the present moment and avoiding unwanted and usually energy sapping thoughts of the past or future.

Here are some select life changing quotes from Eckhart Tolle’s book which when practised with diligence and mindfulness can transform your whole life on earth from one of a negative thinking victim to a positive polarised victor of your own mind, body and spirit complex.

*The present moment is the most precious thing there is.
*Wherever you are, be there totally.
*Always say “yes” to the present moment.
*Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.
*Don’t take everything in life too seriously.
*Love is not to be found outside of you.
*The more you dwell on the negative, the more obsessed with negative things your mind becomes.
*When you complain, you make yourself into a victim.
*There is a fine balance between honoring the past and losing yourself in it.
*Letting go requires strength and a lot of courage.
*You are a Human Being not a human doing.
*Give up defining yourself and others.
*You are more than your mind.
*Where there is true love, there is no ego.
*Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.
*Power over others is weakness disguised as strength.
*Every addiction starts with pain and ends with pain.
*Exclusivity is not the love of God but of the ego.
*Seek to live authentically.
*We don’t see God as He is, we see God as we are.
*Seeking is the antithesis of happiness.
*What you give is what you get.
*Any action is often better than no action.
*If you make the fountain pure, all will be pure.
*The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly.
*Worry is a waste of time.
*If the structures of the human mind remain unchanged, we will always end up re-creating the same world.

Everywhere in the world today it is clear that the journey is challenging.  Eckhart Tolle offers via simple language and in question-and-answer format simple neglected nuggets of wisdom to guide us. His message is simple: living in the now is the truest path to happiness and enlightenment.

Start reading The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment on your Kindle, Amazon and Goodreads book stores.
You can also read the whole of the 27 Life changing lessons of Eckhart Tolle as written by Luminita D. Saviuc at Purpose Fairy website here:


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