Surrender Without Submission To Manipulation

Archontic manipulation strategies

If you emotionally manipulate others or circumstances from your own fear and anxiety you allow them a big weak spot to exploit that darkness in your life

Surrender Without Submission To Manipulation

by Lisa Renee | Disclosure News

THE GOLDEN RULE to remember with surrendering to our highest expression in spirit is: Do not manipulate.

For those resisting these radical life changes from the fear of the unknown, it can be a brutal time.

In these chaotic times, it is important to stay alert and awake and walk through the Dark Night of the Soul without impulsive behaviors causing reactions in the mind to manipulate control over others.

The anti life force primary tool to harvest and siphon energy is control plus manipulation.

If you emotionally manipulate others or manipulate circumstances from your own fear and anxiety, you just allowed them a big weak spot to exploit that darkness in your life.

If you are a Lightworker or Starseed the impact of unchecked behaviors like Emotional Manipulation is a thousand times greater to impede your greater spiritual mission, and this will submit your service work to negativity.

We must discipline and heal our emotions and Negative Ego.

The acceleration from recent planetary shifts is impacting people at all levels of spiritual development and who are experiencing a forced submission into surrendering to What IS the actual state of reality in this moment.

The state of what is, or the accurate assessment of current conditions, is very different than the story that most people believe and have been telling themselves as the nature of reality.

The more you think you are in control of your life from the ego by manipulating what is present in the moment, the worse the accumulated onslaught of negativity that will return to you as the consequence of that behavior.

In this new unity architecture, if you have begun the process of spiritual Ascension, any forms of control or manipulation is amplified as a heavy external price to pay for your rapid learning for preparing for the next dimensional levels of frequency.

To be peacefully initiated into the world of a changing paradigm this time period requires Energetic Balance and calm neutrality be attained even when panic or anxiety ensues.

We saw this coming as the global macrocosm movement that has led the way to the same patterns to manifest at the microcosm levels of our own every day personal experiences.

The old energy foundation of 3D materialism has shifted and is no longer there at the same level for ascending humans, and they have found their personal creations from that old identity crumbling away as the entire foundation collapses.

Those standing at the crossroads of human evolution, with or without an understanding of the Planetary Ascension changes, are being squarely directed to face the horrifying truth found in the pile of lies that had been covering up what is made of Real Value.

In the globalscape, the horrifying truth of uncovering deception is unraveling in front of every public touchstone of media.

Republican-Democrat, Obama-Osama they are all interchangeable images projecting the lie of the Hero-Enemy that the public has wanted to hear in a lullaby to stay asleep.

It is all a game of deception and manipulation to gain control over planetary resources of energy.

Increased transparency and Accountability for disclosure to the public is the only guarantee as the systems collapse.

What many human beings have invested in as a stable reality in materialism is crumbling, as it was built and formed upon a deteriorating foundation of lies.

All lies create webs of deception and deceit, and many of those lies told to the masses are being unraveled through a decrepit and broken system.

A system built on Archontic Deception Strategy and manipulation in order to herd the cattle of the sleeping masses straight into the slaughterhouse.

To stop being herded by the psychological and emotional manipulation of Mind Control we must be awakened, even if what we see is painful.

Illusions and deceptions are shattering everywhere.

The Fractal Dimension of Africa Research Forum