Can a United States administration ever probe CIA murders in Africa?

Jerry Rawlings of Ghana
That foreign government intelligence agencies have routinely meddled in Africa by murdering citizens and enforcing regime changes to sustain their corrupt allies is common knowledge. Yet how would the alleged ‘killing’ of Ghana’s Rawlings by CIA make a dent with one man’s petition to the criminal empire?

US businessman in Ghana petitions US Congress to investigate CIA over Rawlings’ death, corruption by government officials

by Eliasu Tanko JoyNewsNetwork

An American businessman and Managing Director of Plant Oil Powered (POP) Diesel, Claude Convisser, has petitioned the US Congress to investigate the activities of both the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in Ghana.

In the petition, a copy available to JoyNews, the US citizen detailed a series of allegations against the two American intelligence services, including the murder of former President Rawlings, and plans to instigate terrorist attacks and destabilise the country.

The petition also called on the US Congress to investigate what the petitioner called “a systematic and regular practise of bribe-demanding in President Akufo-Addo’s Flagstaff House”.

The American investor who has lived in Ghana for seven years now, said the CIA meddled in the 2020 elections in favour of the NPP and subsequently murdered the former President, J.J Rawlings in order to quash any opposition against the US-Ghana Defense Treaty, which the former President had criticized as a surrender of the country’s sovereignty.

“On Wednesday, November 11, 2020, I conducted a news briefing for the Ghanaian African media and press in Tamale, the biggest city in that country’s north. I revealed that on December 26, 2017, the Vice Chairman of the NPP for the Northern Region, a gentleman by the name of Alhaji Sunday, took me to the Flagstaff House, the Ghanaian President’s Office”.

“The President’s Deputy Chief of Staff Asensu, who like many of the officials at the summit of the Ghanaian Government, is a family relative of the President, demanded a $20,000 bribe for any favor from the Government, including meeting with President.”

“The next morning, November 12, before any of the twelve news outlets had a chance to publish their stories, former President and staunch American ally Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings died,” the US citizen stated in the petition.

According to Convisser, following the dearth of news about the cause of former President Rawlings’s death, and his wife Nana Konadu Agyepong Rawlings’ informing President Akufo-Addo on television that his passing was completely unexpected, the Ghanaian Government announced that he died of Covid-19 which later appeared to be a cover-up.

“He did not die of Covid-19. The CIA, the DIA, or one of their affiliate agencies or contractors murdered him, to prevent news outlets from carrying my disclosure of systematic corruption in the Flagstaff House that might have harmed the re-election chances of the CIA’s favoured NPP and President Akufo-Addo in the December 7.

“Former President Rawlings’ sudden death was the only event in Ghana of sufficient magnitude that would have, and did, immediately suck up and eliminate news coverage of all other domestic topics for enough days to quash my own November 11 news disclosure. Indeed, it is possible that President Akufo-Addo owes his narrow re-election in the December 7 poll by a margin of 51 percent to 47 percent for former President Mahama to the CIA’s suppression of any controversy induced by former President Rawlings’s death which they caused’.

The US businessman also accused the CIA of having taken a “misguided approach towards agricultural development in northern Ghana by seeking to subvert cultivation of the jatropha tree for its inedible fruit seed oil as a biofuel, which his company, according to him, was the first in 2013 to prove to the satisfaction of the US Environmental Protection Agency.

“Following my presentation to the Congressional Renewable Energy Forum in July 2016 on the promise of POP Diesel’s pure jatropha plant oil diesel engine fuel, the ‘petroleum mafia’ followed me to northern Ghana, ground zero for the POP Diesel’s agricultural amf industrial project and this idea. I predicted that the ‘petroleum mafia’ was destabilizing Ghana to force a foothold in northern Ghana, so that it could sabotage and usurp to kill POP Diesel’s incipient project to replace with jatropha plant oil as much as 22 percent of worldwide Petroleum diesel supply coming from northern Ghana and West Africa”.

Convisser, in the petition further described as a “mistake” an Executive Order signed by President Obama in Kate 2013 or early 2015 which permitted the CIA abs AID to contract and partner with private, for-profit enterprises. In Ghana, I assure you that the primary beneficiaries of this policy have been the ‘petroleum mafia’, even at a time today when the country’s own offshore petroleum industry is underwater, with shares of the former biggest Ghanaian petroleum company Tullow Oil selling for $0.05 per share on the country stock exchange.

He also said the CIA has made several attempts at his life using the petroleum mafia in order to ruthlessly and brutally stomp out competition in the cultivation of jatropha tree in northern Ghana.

“I am a healthy and able-bodied American male. The CIA has poisoned me at least 30 times; 5 poisonings at the Mata Amritanandamayi Worship Center in Potomac, Maryland, which they purchased contrary to the First Amendment separation of Church and State and gave to my Indian guru to control it for the purpose of poisoning people like me; 5 poisonings on international flights on Delta Airlines which they see to operate; and at least 20 times in Ghana, mainly at restaurants that I frequent, by bribing their asset owners and chefs to put substances into my food and through other means that give me the flu, cold, hallucinogenic dreams, dry mouth, constipation, conjunctivitis, cold sores, enlarged breast, diarrhoea erupting with such precise regularity that it could not drive from nature, even Covid-19, and that have other strange told and untold effects on my body”.

He concluded the petition by requesting a “requisite investigations, order remedial action, and make the necessary apology to former President Rawlings’s wife and family, and the Ghanaian people.

