
Africa will not be used by NATO or EU

I have come to say that Africa has suffered enough of the burden of history; that it does not want to be the breeding ground of a new Cold War, but rather a pole of stability...

Western Eco-imperialism Against Africa

To truly exercise sovereignty, Africans must extricate themselves from the allure of Western leftism. It is illogical to oppose Western imperialism, yet accept eco-policies crafted by the West that are antithetical to Africa’s progress.

Kenneth Kaunda: Zambia Shall Be Free author and nationalist leader, 1924-2021

Zambia's founding father, Kenneth Kaunda, dies at 97 By Daniel Pelz  Deutsch Welle TV When Zambia's new green-red-black-orange flag was raised for the first time over the capital, Lusaka, on October...

South African 10-baby birth may be world’s first decuplets

The news is coming after a woman from Mali had given birh to nine babies only last month in Morocco, in what was hailed as the world’s first case of nonuplets South...

Chad: Idriss Deby’s three decades of regime sit tight

Ironically President Deby who died in battle with rebel forces after winning a supposedly democratic presidential election is being replaced by his son a military general of the Chadian armed forces.

DR Congo waking up to AstraZeneca death jab?

Several African countries have banned the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine, citing possible side effects. The move follows similar measures by European states. African countries temporarily suspend AstraZeneca vaccine

Africa Hasn’t Kickstarted Its Renewable Energy Boom – Here’s Why

Why Africa Hasn't Kickstarted Its Renewable Energy Boom by Irina Slav - Africa has a solar energy potential of as much as 1,000 GW and wind potential of 110 GW, not...

Calling out Ethiopia government sponsored massacres in Tigray

Like the Nigeria military killings, a murderous regime in Ethiopia led by prime minister Abiy Ahmed has shocked humanity with brutal massacres, torture and genocide of an entire population of Tigray all in the name prosecuting a...

Beyond the sabre rattling in the Sahara

As guarrantee for regional peace in the Sub Saharan states, Sudan has called on Ethiopia to return to dialogue, and to complete the re-demarcation of agreed borders and to place signs indicating them.

Uganda: when president became what he once fought against

Part of rebuilding U.S. democratic institutions is fighting for them abroad. Uganda, where an aging ruler has evolved from reformer to tyrant, would be a good place to start.
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