UkroNazi Dirty Bomb Trick: Are they really that crazy? Or the role of hatred in this war

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Hatred is the glue which holds together the entire AngloZionist Hegemony. And the most hated target of this Hegemony is, of course, the Orthodox and never-conquered Russia and what she represents in the modern world.

A Few Thoughts about the (Ukraine) “Dirty bomb” Thesis and the Role of Hatred

by Andrei Martyanov and shared from The Saker blog

Are they really that crazy? …

I think that this the wrong question to ask. The real question is are “they” that hate-filled and evil?

And here the answer is absolutely YES, no doubts about it. None.

Here I have to explain something which most non-Russians or non-Ukrainians will find very hard to believe: the modern (as opposed to the historical) Ukrainian self-identity is entirely built around hatred.  First and foremost, the modern Ukronazis hate Russia and everything Russian. Which makes sense, since the Ukrainian national identity currently has no positive contents/value, it the more anti-Russian you are, the more Ukrainian that makes you. Your ethnicity, mother tongue, place of residence, etc. make absolutely no difference. And this is why even former “heroes of the Ukraine” (such as Nadezhda Savchenko or Vyacheslav Boguslaev) have been arrested for “treason” (along of many THOUSANDS all over the country!).

Traditionally, Ukronazis also hate Jews, Poles and pretty much everybody else (hence their saying about “downing Poles and Jews in Moskal blood”).

To repeat: the modern Ukronazi identity is based on hatred. 

Hatred is not a feature of that identity, it is its core component (see here and here for a historical discussion of this). Just see how the Ukrainian and Nazi ideologies are brought together and fused in this very famous Ukrainian song:

Original UkrainianEnglish translation
Батько наш — Бандера, Україна — мати,Ми за Україну пiдем воювати!Bandera is our father, the Ukraine our mother, we will fight for the Ukraine

While hatred is a very bad advisor in most cases, it is very energizing. It also gives you the kind of blind courage which can make you volunteer for suicide missions. European Imperialism, born of the Crusades, was also born of hated. And, of course, the Judaic/Zionist supremacist and terminally narcissistic worldviews are also born from the hatred of the “other”. Do I need to mention that rabbinical “Judaism” (Pharisaic Talmudism) is nothing but an anti-Christianity while the Latin Heresy is nothing but an anti-Orthodoxy?

I would argue that hatred is the glue which holds together the entire AngloZionist Hegemony. And the most hated target of this Hegemony is, of course, the Orthodox and never-conquered Russia and what she represents in the modern world.

I won’t tell you here what I think Russia stands for or, even more interestingly, what she might stand for in the future, that will be for a future analysis, but what I can tell you right now is that there is (almost) no anti-Ukrainian hatred in Russia. And I don’t just mean from public figures. For example, I recently watched a pretty well made Russian movie about the war in the Donbass entitled “The Best in Hell”. The movie basically shows a 2 hour assault by Russian forces (called “white” in the movie) against 4 Ukrainian (called “yellow” in the movie) held buildings. What is amazing is that both sides are shown as courageous, determined, soldiers.  None of the Hollywood tricks to “show the bad guy” (ugly faces, evil grins, vicious inclinations, etc.) are used. In fact, I am personally very much bothered by what looks like an “equal” sign this movie places between both sides whom I see as morally as different as can be!  But the point here is this: in spite of two hours of nonstop boom! boom! and bang! bang! (as action movies go, this is a pretty good one) hatred is conspicuously absent from this movie. And that is just one example. Did you know that in Crimea Ukrainian is still an official language?  Most amazingly, the Russians never produce the kind of collective orgasm which the Ukronazis (and their Western patrons) engage in as soon as any terrorist act (be it destroying the water supply to Crimea or the murder of Dugina) hits Russians.

The following few are just examples of the kind of rabid hated the Ukronazi identity is shaped around:

Logo of the Ukrainian military intelligence service: notice where the dagger points.
This (ISIS-inspired) charming pastoral scene is the Ukronazi idea of a bright future for the Kharkov region
Two “proud” Ukronazis take selfies before a planned Ukronazi stamp to commemorate the (failed) attack on the Crimea Bridge. Welcome to Banderastan

Banderastan (Ukraine) is a completely hatred-saturated society.

So is most the entire collective West (aka “Zone A”)

So is every Neocon out there.

In sharp contrast, hatred plays almost no role at all in Russian society.

Disgust with the Ukronazis? Sure! Contempt for the West?  Yes, absolutely. But rejoicing in Ukrainian suffering or losses? Hatred for the (real, historical) Ukrainian culture and language? Nope, hardly ever (there are, as always, a few nasty nutcases everywhere, including Russia, though most Russian nutcases hate Russia more than the West anyway).

In fact, I would argue that they all hate Russia even more because Russia does not hate them back.

Conclusion: yes, (Ukraine Nazis) they are capable of absolutely everything

There is no doubt in my mind that if the Ukronazis could use real nukes against Russia they would.  Zelenskii himself said so much. As did others. In fact, there is absolutely nothing I would put past the satanic souls of the classes which run the Hegemony or the Nazi freaks in Kiev. That is really bad news on two levels:

  1. 1. They are capable of the worst imaginable atrocity.
  2. 2. They are also capable of the dumbest imaginable action

The first is obvious. But the second one needs a quick expanding upon. While hatred does give you energy, determination and even courage, it never contributes to a sober and realistic assessment of the situation. I would even argue that hatred and stupidity go hand in hand. So we should never use the “oh no, they can’t possibly be THAT stupid” argument because yes, they most definitely CAN be that stupid (just look at the self-defeating sanctions they passed!).

So are we about to see a dirty bomb go off somewhere in the Ukraine or Russia?

My best guess is that no, not after Shoigu and Gerasimov called their western counterparts and spelled out to them what the consequences of such an action might be (the Russians know exactly where this dirty bomb is being designed and manufactured, they know who is doing this work, and they know what the current stage of the project it. Of course, they could bomb/strike these locations, but that would risk releasing the nuclear material into the air, thus exactly creating the dirty bomb the Nazis are working on.

Now that the Russians have warned the entire planet (via this intervention at the UNSC) nobody besides the doubleplusgoodshiteaters in Zone B will believe that “Russia done it”. And since the said (and sad) doubleplusgoodshiteaters in Zone B are ALREADY convinced that “Pioootin” is the “New Hitler” and Russia is Mordor, convincing them even more is not much of a success. And while the many comprador colonial administrations in “Zone B” will say exactly what their AngloZionist masters will tell them to, the people in Zone B will quickly realize the idiocy of the entire notion.

So will “they” do it?  I don’t know. I hope not. I think not.  But I know that they are capable of anything, including a dirty bomb or any other conceivable atrocity (including biowarfare, by the way).

Nothing can be built on hatred, at least nothing sustainable. But hatred is a fantastic source of destruction, capable of inflicting colossal damage in too many forms to count. Russia wants to build a stable and safe Eurasian continent as part of a multi-polar world. The Hegemony just wants to destroy anything standing in its way. In this sense, it has a huge advantage as destroying is always much easier than building or even preserving something.

So I will simply end with one of my favorite quotes from the Quran: “And the unbelievers schemed [against Jesus]; but God brought their scheming to nought: for God is above all schemers.” (Sura Al-Imran – 3:54).



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