Once Upon Nigeria’s illiterate Police chief

Mediocrity, mendacity seem the rule in Mr. Buhari’s government as Nigerian writer Chin Ce notes

Once Upon an illiterate Nigeria  Police Chief

ABUJA:  Nigerian government under retired general Muhammadu Buhari has further joined the hall of national infamy by the exposure of his police chief, Idris, as barely able to read in English.

A man of the least probable consequence who rose to that rank by president’s nepotism and tribalism, Idris as commissioner of police in the northern state of Kano had no business becoming inspector general of police if the cabal of Buhari’s men had not so gratified him.

He was their trusted foot soldier who supervised the fraud at the 2015 elections in Kano where underaged voters lined up in public glare to give presidential candidate Buhari over two million votes never hitherto captured in the population database of the state electoral centre.

Ever since he blackmailed, threatened bloodshed, and bulldozed his way into the nation’s executive office, Mr Buhari has not demonstrated the large heart and magnanimity of his successor who, in spite of the rigged elections of 2015, honoured the verdict and abdicated power.

In the words of Mr Jonathan, his ambition was not worth the blood of any Nigerian.

But not so for his successor and supposed beneficiary of mass national goodwill.

For Mr Buhari, a historically vicious, blood thirsty dictator, his ambition has been more than worth the genocidal murders of country men, women, school children and youth.

The unforgiving Muslim general has also infected other nationalities with tribal and religious hatreds leading to internecine divisions that will take many decades to heal in the psyche of the Nigerian people.

All his security chiefs, mainly northerners and Muslims, have routinely connived with Boko Haram and Fulani marauders to loot and visit destruction upon sections of the Christian dominated middle belt and South.

Incredibly supportive of mindless killings has been his police chief who has consistently despised even the president’s own directive to relocate base to the central Nigerian heartland in the Benue basin where the marauders are having field day.

Inebriated with impunity in disregarding presidential orders, the inspector general has gone further to spurn the Nigerian parliament which rightly held him to account on the security challenges in the country. Not surprisingly, this beneficiary of unmerited patronage brazenly refused to appear before parliament, earning for himself the disreputable epithet of enemy of Nigerian democracy, unfit for public office within and outside Nigeria, by the 8th Nigerian senate.

Last week the chief of police inadvertently exposed his own deficiency in a video that showed him unable to read in English. After apologizing and having his lieutenants make sure the evidence was not to be public spectacle, it proved such an embarrassment when a gallant journalist leaked the video that went viral in just days.(1)

While the video was claimed by professional sycophants calling themselves ministers and officers of the law to have been ‘doctored’, the crooked Nigeria Police on their own joined the fraudsters to release their ‘doctored’ version where their chief was reading flawlessly. And even the part where he had apologized after being corrected by his aide was expunged.

The mendacity of police and dissident citizens has become a metaphor for the criminality of a failed government. Its economy with the truth about every national issue has become legendary, its corruption and hypocrisy nearly unequalled in the history of Nigeria’s thieving heads of government.

Having destroyed the country’s once robust future with his planless, semi literate economics, while never tiring of hounding his political foes, all that Messrs Buhari along with his clueless retinue can now afford is shifting the blame of their failures to phantom corrupt Nigerians, symbolic in wife of the former president Jonathan.

However, the president’s hypocrisy gets increasingly evident when public corruption is traceable to his family, his lieutenants and his cabal at the central bank and the national petroleum company. (2)

In the words of Buhari’s ardent critic R. Omokri, copiously quoted below, Mrs Jonathan could not be responsible for the abysmal failure of the Buhari administration contrary to official vilification of her person by the president’s bootlickers.

Omokri asks: “Would President Buhari like it if former President Jonathan rehashes the corruption allegations made against First Lady Aisha Buhari, by Senator Isah Misau?

“Would the Presidency consider it fair game to highlight the fact that Yusuf Buhari, who does not have a job and has not served in the National Youth Service Corp as mandated by law, was in possession of a multimillion BMW power bike even though his father told the nation that he had to borrow to pay for his APC Presidential nomination form? How did he get the funds for such an expensive possession?

“In terms of corruption, Transparency International has said that the Muhammadu Buhari administration is more corrupt than the Jonathan government.

“Whereas under Jonathan, Nigeria made her best ever improvement on Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, moving 8 places forward from 144 to 136 in 2014, today Nigeria has made her worst ever retrogression under President Buhari, moving backwards 12 places from 136 to 148. This is a fact.

“Mr. Shehu, (one of Buhari’s mediocre goons) should stop speaking trash… Rather than blame Dame Patience Jonathan, for his boss’ loss of popularity, he should explain to Nigerians why the $25 billion contract scam at the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation has not been investigated till today.

“Garba should also explain why subsidy payments, which his boss termed ‘a fraud’ have jumped to ₦1.4 trillion per annum yet the price of petrol has doubled to ₦145 from ₦87? If petrol prices go up then subsidy should go down. If subsidy goes up, then petrol prices should go down. It is mathematically impossible for subsidy to go up at the same rate and time price goes up.

“Mr. Shehu should also tell Nigerians who recalled, reinstated and double promoted Abdulrasheed Maina, the biggest alleged thief in Nigeria’s civil service history. Maina was dismissed by the Jonathan government and recalled under the Buhari administration.

“Nigerians may further recall that Maina was said to have been given armed guards by Junaid Mohammed. Nigerians may further recall that the Attorney General of the Federation went to court to halt a Senate probe meant to unravel the Maina mystery.

“While he is at it, Garba Shehu should tell Nigerians when Babachir Lawal will be prosecuted because we hear that he is in charge of President Buhari’s re-election campaign in Adamawa state.

“Nigerians are also interested in knowing who the $43 million found at Osborne Towers in Ikoyi Lagos belongs to as well as why the Executive Secretary of the National Health Insurance Scheme, who was indicted by the Minister of health for misappropriating ₦10 billion, was reinstated.”

And so on and on…

Ultimately the story of the present Nigerian government is more than that of a clueless northern pretender who would be president at all costs to the well being of those who are not his people, as many Nigerians discover to their chagrin.

Under Messrs Buhari and his police chief it will also become the story of a leader who has no certificate and his police chief who may be too much of a donkey to read in English.



1.Text of the highly revealing ‘Transmission’ speech by the inspector general can be seen in a follow up report by Daily Post reporter: Police launches manhunt for reporter who posted IG Idris’ video of transmission speech.

2.You can read detailed report of the backlash against Messrs Buhari and minions on the following news link: Omokri carpets Garba Shehu over attack on Patience Jonathan

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