‘President Should Take a Bow’


Angry reactions trail the address by Nigeria’s President after over hundred days of health-imposed exile from the political administration of his country.

President Should Take a Bow: he has little to offer the country

by Chin Ce

ABUJA: AUGUST 2017 –  Buhari has come back. But with no apologies for his long absence from duty all through his now routine oversea medical tours. And hardly a comment on the excruciating hardships being suffered by millions of the talakawa – ordinary Nigerians – from his very poor governance of the post colonial nation state. They had voted for him in the hope that change had come to a nation sundered in corruption and enslaved by a cabal of political ex-these and ex-those who cornered the billions of the nation’s oil resources for themselves and their families in sheer kleptomaniac acquisitionism.

Instead, what was clear from the speech as scripted by stereotypes of the professional sycophancy circles is his same old threat that unity of Nigeria is not negotiable. Obviously he was angry with the resurgence of Bafran nationalism among youths of the South East.

In such lame argument, almost devoid of basic humanity, the Nigerian president reminded the nation that Emeka Ojukwu, rebel leader of Biafra separatist war of 1967, had dined in his Daura mansion in 2005 and had agreed that Nigeria remained united. Yet fifty years after Biafra, the Nigerian military trained general would not apologise honestly for how he and other leaders past had failed to unite the country on true egalitarian principles of fairness and justice.

Till date, the South East and the Delta are the pariah regions of successive governments led by every tribal northern Nigerian army general.

Buhari’s own present political dispensation has been most horrendous in army-sponsored murdering of dissenters from the South, and in Christian dominated southern Kaduna. His internal security apparatus, Police, DSS, Immigration and Customs service all led by his Hausa and Fulani compatriots of ‘One Nigeria’ remain as corrupt and full of impunity as in the years of clueless Jonathan and more clueless Obasanjo preceding them.

Recruitment and promotion scandals trail the DSS, Immigration and Police. Nigeria Police – they still call it “Police Force” – under Buhari extorts money from millions of Nigerians for bail while forcing them to sign the bond that Bail is Free. Buhari knows this, yet he insists that his motley of psychotic kinsmen remain in control, issuing useless executive orders from time to time in mimicry of the other sitting ignoramus at America’s White House.

It is inexplicable that this man who became president by unprecedented public goodwill from home and abroad, has had a lifetime honour of interacting with some of the brightest minds of the firmament. Take Wole Soyinka, for instance, with whom, weeks after assuming office in 2015, he had met for four hours behind closed state house doors, ostensibly in a discussion on the future direction of the country through a restructured, economically viable and politically stable federation.

The brilliant ideas of rare personages endowed upon Africa to illuminate its depressing horizons have not rubbed off on remote reaches of the somewhat archaic intelligence of succeeding Nigerian presidents including Muhammadu Buhari.

Now, irrespective of the rash of enthusiastic toadying by his political hangers-on and social minions, President Buhari’s speech to his countrymen and women may be adjudged arrogant and inane by any critical media standard.

An entry on Facebook social network states categorically that when Political Arrogance begins to script its offensive Homily, let the Leader resign. “The president’s speech promises nothing but insult on public intelligence. There can be discerned, no real compassion for the suffering masses of this country, save the archaic mindset of we-versus-them.

“We have come riding on the wave of 16 years of misery, the promise of change, of anti corruption fight, and of providing sound education and security for our teeming youths and defenceless women,” the writer posts.

Of course change is impossible without true federalism which the president’s political alliance had promised in the very beginning, but from which he and his party have now reneged in that shameless antic of a gigolo.

What we see at present is the same arrogant tenacity for sectional dominion. Now we battle with cabal greed for state capture which had goaded his leadership momentum, leading to repression of popular will and supported by the ever pandering retinue of sectional, political and religious interests.

Today, nemesis is on its wings once again. Buhari should take a bow; he has nothing more to offer. Because heads up, or legs first, history alwaysl repeats for leaders like these who do not learn from their past misdeeds. The era of state capture is over for this nation and, indeed, all nations of the world, be they America, India, Syria or Turkey. Millions of awakened humans are now vigilant.

With skepticism and positive action by the rising wave of enlightened humanity, defeat is certain for the dark forces who believe in the predation and enslavement of perceived others. And victory of the light is assured.



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