The Cornucopia – Emotional integration is the key


The Cornucopia ~Archangels Ariel & Uriel

via Adele Arini

Emotional Integration is the ‘KEY’ to CHANGE

Full Message available from Raphael’s Healing Space

We realize that light-workers around the world are at different stages of their spiritual awakening journey. However, the group of powerful light-workers who happened to be reading this particular energetic transmission (and yes, we know exactly who you are), most of you have completed your emotional integration process.

In other words, you have stopped running away from your emotions and have released the previously embedded toxicity within your emotional body. And because of that, you are now primed and ready to move on to the next phase of your evolution: to master your Mastery over life.

How do you become a master of Life when you have, seemingly, failed to master one or more aspects of your life, over and over again in this lifetime?

Let us tell you now dear friends, whatever is the greatest life challenge that you have right now, that challenge is THE biggest test; the final exam – lovingly prepared by your Higher Self, before you can successfully graduate and ascend.

For some people it can be about the state of their health. For most light-workers, it is about their lack/scarcity consciousness. For others, it can be about love, forgiveness, loneliness or relationships.

Knowing this, how you react from now on, in the face of your biggest life challenges, is THE game-changer here.

You can choose to continue to focus on your problems, and react with fear, distress, anxiety, anger, depression, guilt, OR, you can choose to raise your awareness/perspective – i.e. SHIFT your inner programming, to match the programming ‘language’ that your Higher Self speaks in.

Your Higher Self speaks the language of Love – to Self, and to All.

Your Higher Self speaks the language of Peace – for Self and for All.

Your Higher Self speaks the language of Joy/Happiness – to Self and to All.

Your Higher Self speaks the language of Wisdom & Power – to Self and to All.

Your Higher Self speaks the language of Abundance – to Self and to All.

The term ‘abundance’ that we use here, represents all the good things in life, e.g. perfect health, an immortal (non-decaying) physical body, plenty of money, great friendships, fulfilling career and relationships, fun life experiences, etc.

It is time, our brothers and sisters, to ‘speak’ the Language of your Higher Self – the Language of God.

Full Message available from Raphael’s Healing Space

Duality, Polarity, Separation are the scaffolding, the framework and the foundation of a lower-dimensional existence in a 3D Universe. And with these three now permanently gone from Planet Earth, this can only mean one thing.

Humanity has recently crossed over another important milestone.

You, our beloved, are now truly living on 5D Earth as we speak. At the end of January 2019, humanity & Gaia had in fact, ‘jumped several timelines’ together. And what had prompted this to occur?

In the most recent conclave above Planet Earth, which many of you had attended in your sleep, the majority of you had expressed a strong desire for undeniable, visible changes to begin Now.

The ‘Old Souls’ physically embodied on-planet right now (i.e. the movers and shakers who are the true powers behind the story of New Earth’s Creation) had truly had enough of the old paradigm of Fear, Lack & Separation.

You wanted all necessary reforms to be fully expedited and although temporary chaos may ensue, you had all expressed unshakable confidence that you will all be able to go through those challenges with grace and ease. We truly have tremendous respect and admiration for all of you, our beloved.

However, because of this, things may temporarily look as though they are getting worse instead of getting better – both on the micro and macro levels. It is important to keep in mind, that these are all happening BY DESIGN.

As a Collective, you have deliberately chosen to intensify all 3D energetic remnants within yourselves, and within the psyche/consciousness of all embodied souls on Earth, to force you to choose a better way NOW.

This is to help you to permanently break free; to get yourselves out of the automated, 3D pattern-programming you have been using for thousands of years. You have been using the lower dimensional operating system of fear, lack and separation for eons.

The time has now arrived for you to re-set and re-program the super computer that is your life.

And the True Work must start from WITHIN.

Full Message available from Raphael’s Healing Space


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