Med Beds: Extra terrestrial technology finally goes public

With planetary shift to 4th and higher dimensional life irrevocably on course, lightworkers of the Alliance have started releasing advanced technology long held back...

Chinua Achebe: Why he was one of the world’s most important modern writers

Ad Achebe's greatest work involved telling distinctly African stories from the perspective of African characters and helping to forge a literature that was independent from...

Angola For Culture of Peace in Africa

Angola's Biennial-Pan African Forum for the Culture of Peace opened Wednesday in Luanda under the auspices of UNESCO and the African Union Angola holds Pan-African...

Peruvian Court Rules Gates, Soros and Rockefellers “Created” Coronavirus

The three judge panel of the Chicha & Pisco Criminal Appeals Chamber in Peru found that “Bill Gates, George Soros, and...


Black lives do not matter in Israel 

by David Sheen ​Comments made by Israel's top political and religious leaders earlier this month are a dismal reminder of...
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Neo-Colonialism and the African Writer 

Two Africas in One Joe Ushie, 2008 Writer of the Year  Writer of the Year, JAL, No. 5 2008. IN Africa, whether in orate pre-colonial period...

Chin Ce: New galactic humanity

Chin Ce books and trilogies are available online and on Amazon bookstores: Dissident...

Female Subjectivities in African Writing

Female Subjectivities in African Literature From the African Library of Critical Writing Available from African Books Collective Throughout the rise and expansion of western civilization, women have...

Christed Light on the Science of All That Is

Join this multi dimensional spiritual researcher On Africa FORUM Where your creation is sacred and opinions free! CLICK TO SHARE YOUR VIEWS

News View

2023 is Russia- Africa Year

The Russia–Africa partnership will be sustained through permanent political dialogue at different levels and on a variety of issues Unstoppable march of the Global South:...

Haiti: Kenya is a lackey of the US

Kenya like all corrupt African states is an easy pimp for United States imperialism in Africa. Proxy colonialism: The West is using this African nation...

Russia building a fairer world order

The entire planet is threatened by evil that could lead to terrible consequences for nations everywhere and Moscow is currently fighting it to standstill. 'Evil’...

OPEC will not abandon fossil fuel

Despite Western posturing on their climate change fraud anything less than free energy for the planet is beside the point. OPEC calls for rejection of...

Strategy for defeat of evil elites

Our mission is to prevent world tyranny by criminal elites. How can we do this? Simple: by exposing their true nature to humanity. This is...

Editor's Pick

Cameroon: Ambazonia resistance on the rise

Cameroon forces retreat after attacks by separatists From BBC World Service The Cameroonian military has 26.4.2018 suffered tactical defeat and been...

But I have to leave – (Poem)

But I have to leave (A Poem) by Obinna Chilekezi ~ A fine Sunday morning A bird and his mate at my window Singing songs...

Morsi: Setback for Egypt’s fanatical Islam brotherhood

The death of Egypt's ousted president at court signals major setback for Islamists and all fanatical religions impoverishing imagination...

When Nigeria President’s despotism is pure evil

The lower house is forced to summon Nigeria's incompetent president and has called for the sack of service chiefs over the spate of killings across the country.

Nigeria: Boycott of 2019 elections is imminent

From 1960 till date, only President Muhammadu Buhari has been audacious to pick only people who are either his relations or of the same ethnic stock with him to lead the electoral body
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Must Read

The Triadic Identity of Jean Toomer 

Jean Toomer and the Triadic Identity Benjamin Odhoji, Writer of the Year JALC 2013 CANE comprises poems, sketches, episodic stories and dramatic passages. Is it a novel?...

But I have to leave – (Poem)

But I have to leave (A Poem) by Obinna Chilekezi ~ A fine Sunday morning A bird and his mate at my window Singing songs of love together This country is Full...

Arrogance of the Collective West fueled by ignorance

Let’s not even consider the absurdity of vandals claiming to be civilizers! What civilization did Europe bring to the Americas? What...
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Black lives do not matter in Israel 

by David Sheen ​Comments made by Israel's top political and religious leaders earlier this month are a dismal reminder of how little black lives matter...

Neo-Colonialism and the African Writer 

Two Africas in One Joe Ushie, 2008 Writer of the Year  Writer of the Year, JAL, No. 5 2008. IN Africa, whether in orate pre-colonial period...

Chin Ce: New galactic humanity

Chin Ce books and trilogies are available online and on Amazon bookstores: Dissident...

Christed Light on the Science of All That Is

Join this multi dimensional spiritual researcher On Africa FORUM Where your creation is sacred and opinions free! CLICK TO SHARE YOUR VIEWS

Scholarly Books on African Writing

African Books Network showcases a harvest of literary and cultural expressions in the best traditions of world class publishing - Global Titles, African Authors! The titles...

Female Subjectivities in African Writing

Female Subjectivities in African Literature From the African Library of Critical Writing Available from African Books Collective Throughout the rise and expansion of western civilization, women have...

Life Magazine

African Writing As Counter Discourse

'Counter Discourse' reworks the cultural heritage of black literary aesthetic using the prose and drama fictions of Anglophone, Lusophone, and Francophone writers from Africa and the African Diaspora.   Counter Discourse Writing in African Literature From the African Library of Critical Writing Available...

Where president is model

Putin fulfills Russian schoolgirl’s longtime dream When Vika saw the puppy, she burst into tears of joy, The puppy was named Umka. * OCTOBER 8. /TASS/. A...

‘Lazy and useless’ French, American, bases in Africa

African nations have realised military bases of America and France in Africa have never helped against local and external terror gangs;...

South Africa and the Unleashing of a Draconian Council

With COVID-19 pandemic as the new ruse for political dictatorships how much leash will the people of South Africa allow Ramaphosa and his draconian...

Malawian president and the agenda of southern region exclusion

All across Africa's central governments is the barbaric politics of ethnic advantages played by ethnic champions who masquerade as national leaders....


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Nigeria: A Presidential Comeuppance

When defenceless farmers are butchered in one fell swoop, harvesting their crop, does the sheer suggestion that they met their deaths...

More Academic Essays on African Writing 

SEE ALSO: ACADEMIC ESSAYS ON AFRICAN WRITING MORE Academic Essays are available to students, scholars and researchers on the subject of African poetry,...

Kenya is fighting graft to woo French investments

Corruption is still a major setback in Kenya's push to become the investment destination of choice in Africa but Uhuru Kenyatta's...

Africa is not poor, we are stealing its wealth by Nick Dearden

Africa is poor, but we can try to help its people. It's a simple statement, repeated through a thousand images, newspaper stories and charity appeals...

Djibotu will have Full Renewable Energy by 2030

Djiboti's wind project aims to transition the country towards 100%-renewable energy-based electricity production by 2030. Djibouti, the tiny multi ethnic country located in the Horn...

Russia consistently supported African Peoples

We have consistently supported African peoples in their struggle for liberation from colonial oppression, notes President Putin.
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Further Reads

Central African Republic and Monaco Human Rights

Human Rights Council adopts Universal Periodic Review outcomes of the Central African Republic and Monaco OHCHR news March 2019: The Human Rights Council adopted the outcomes...

Mum is the word as African nations support Madagascar COVID-Organics

Mum is the word from Western nations along with willing puppet states as sister African countries join Madagascar's local remedy for treatment and prevention of...

Let’s make a HIGHER reality HAPPEN

Oops I Did It Again! Because you see, so very powerful are you as Creator Gods that...

“EndSARS: Nigerian Army threaten civil populace

While the #EndPoliceBrutality movement sweeps across the states, the Nigerian Army, another vile organ of state repression, headed mostly by Northern...
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